Wednesday, February 06, 2008

7 things I love & a visit from my Dinosaur...

Natasha has tagged me to list 7 things I love... I can't break all the many things I love down to 7 things, so I will tell you seven things I loved about yesterday.
1. shades of green & thinking of daffodils
2. the bright and sparkling day that always comes after a storm has blown through
3. the piles of snow that look like a million bazillion diamonds
4. a good story with a happy ending
5. hugs and kisses
6. making a new friend
7. a nice visit from our dinosaur friend

I tag (only if you want to)... Shelese, Amy, Allison, Liz and anyone else who wants to play! :)


Alicia said...

7 Things I loved about yesterday: 1) pumpkin pie
2) watching Biggest Loser
(I know, 1 and 2 shouldn't really go together)
3) sitting next to Brandon
4) taking a shower with my olive scented shower gel from body shop
5) my new hair dryer that cuts drying time in 1/2
6) reading blogs
7) research on Gaston Laroux and Washington Irving

Alison Gibbs said...

Great post Tiff. Love that little dinosaur.

allison said...

Thanks for the tag. I'll be working on my 7 things tonight! Fun, fun! Your craft room looks gorgeous. I love your decorations.

Lilli in Vancouver said...

Way to appreciate the little things, Tiff :)

ellie said...

Maybe we should all think of 7 things we love about each day,it would be a good therapy ! It's so much easier to dwell on the negative things in ones day ? I loved reading your 7 things Tiffany, made me feel warm and cosy just reading them ! Take care, Ellie

Amy said...

This was a fun exercise to do. Mine are posted. Thanks for tagging me!