Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Owls.. The Diet... Sego Lily Cafe & Giveaway & all the News...

First of all.. if you haven't tried the Sego Lily Cafe in Bountiful.. you should.. it's divine. The menu says something like, "Fine Dining North of the City" and that's true. They have this creamy chicken soup that is some of the best soup I've ever tried! It's crazy there on the weekends and Monday nights, but if you go on Tuesday or Wednesday you can practically have the place to yourself. (I like to know that kind of info.. Are you in a see and be seen mood.. or just in the mood for a quiet dinner.. quiet dinner is more my scene).
The Diet... is finally doing better. The rule I have the most trouble with is the 5 servings per day of fruits and veggies. I usually get to 4 and miss the mark. My new secret weapon is frozen mixed veggies with lima beans. I love lima beans and I know that all of you do not.. so you may have to find your own secret weapon. But, a serving of mixed veggies equals 1/2 cup and I can microwave that and eat 1 whole cup with my lunch and that equals 2 servings. I really think eating healthier is helping me feel better which is good.. anything that will help curb the general anxiety. How are you doing with it.. those of you who are on the wagon?
Now.. Owl news! I got a proof from the printer yesterday and the new owl postcard looks to be really fun! I can't wait to show you! It should be here next week.
More Owl news is... that I finished just a few owl boxes this week and one is in:
Then, heads up! There will be a yellow giveaway on Friday so don't forget to stop by then and say hello. I have not replaced my favorite color.. it's still pink, but I have a real fondness for the fun lemony yellows that have been around during the past year. It's going to be fun!