There were a lot of pretty things in this film, but I just didn't like it. And, I didn't understand the actions of the characters. They didn't make sense to me. Maybe the book explains things better. I just thought this Newland guy was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. When he has second thoughts and his affections seem to be lessening for his fiance.. he shortens his engagement? And, then he loves the Countess so much that when he is free, he decides not to see her?
I did not admire his physical fidelity to his wife, because he did not intend to be faithful. And, he is never emotionally faithful. Poor May gave him an out even and he didn't take it. I would have liked her character maybe, but she was a snob and sort of naive.
I was never really invested in these characters because I didn't really like them and so I found myself not caring really what they did.
So... the book is better right? Has anyone read it?
This is one of my favorite books of all time! For one of my English classes at BYU we studied this book and the movie really makes sense after you understand when it was written, what the social and sociatal pressures were at the time, etc. That said, I didn't "get" the movie the first time I saw it but after reading and studying the book, I loved it.
Janice, I was just hoping someone would say this because I really wanted to like it and I wondered if the film just did not have the time to develop the characters and the plot sufficently. There are some films that you just have to read the book first.
I saw that movie at the grocery store and was curious about it also. Judging by the costumes, I thought I would like it. I'll check out the book first and read it, then watch the film. That's too bad they spent all that money on a film, only to sell it short.
Amy, I don't know on this one, but I think maybe there are some books you just can't put into film.
I love the new Pride and Prejudice, but I think that I've read that book so many times and seen the A&E version so many times that you have the background and everything in your head.
You watch it. I'd love to know what you think. :)
I didn't like the movie either. It might have something to do with the fact that my friend and I arrived late enough to the theater that the only spot we could get was shoved in a front-most pair of side seats. Can you say "Neck pain?"
I saw it on TV a 2nd time, admired the costumes and decor, and counted my lucky stars that I live in an era where women have the freedom to choose their own destinies :)
I love this book - it's a fascinating study in subtlety, and Wharton has a wonderful time lambasting society.
That being said, I actually turned the DVD off rather than lose the 1 - 2 hours it required to watch it. Wonderful costuming but otherwise it was just.. wrong. Do try the book.
This is actually a Martin Scorcesse movie I believe which is a shocker for me! But I have heard great things about the movie too!
Yes, you should definitely read the book. It's a favorite of mine too.
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