I planted these Crown Azure Pansies in September and they are a little rough around the edges, but with some Preen in the beds and a little fertilizer as well, these will be huge clumps in just a few weeks. I love Pansies...
Take all the sweetness of a gift unsought,
And for the pansies send me back a thought.
Sarah Doudney
so, i bought some 4 lilac plants/starts/little tree things to plant but then my kids got sick so they are still in my house and then I heard on the radio that it's supposed to snow here... what do i do? do I wait until after the snow to plant them and risk them dying in my house trapped in their little boxes... or risk the snow?
"Where Lilacs Bloom".
I Love Pansies, also. My impatiens are at their height of beauty here!
Where did you get the bulbs i always get some but they never bloom or they dont grow. Any times for a beginner?
Blake, pansies are not bulbs, they are just little plant starts and they are great for non-gardener gardeners like us. You plant these little posies in Sept. and then basically let them be. They bloom out throughout the winter on any warm day and in a few weeks they just go nuts.
Sheesh, I am really not an expert on plants, but if you have a garage, I would transition them there. But just so you know, I nursed a little lilac along for 3 years and then killed it soo... that is what my advice it worth. You are not supposed to be able to kill them around here ... and yet... dead.
ha!! I love it! You had me laughing right out loud on that one. Too funny. I guess I'd better ask my mom what to do :)
(How come our moms have the knack of growing such gorgeous flowers and we didn't inherit it?)
maybe I'll should start with Pansies instead.
or the impatience plant like your friend "naner" said...
impatience is something i inherited fully so maybe if i plant that...
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