Saturday, March 03, 2007

Lovely Aunt Jackie... and the famous Coconut Cake!!!

My lovely Aunt Jackie, who happens to be a realtor in Idaho if any of you happen to be looking for property up that way, has also posted the famous coconut cake recipe on her blog. I guess we can't get one of the ingredients here out west, but all of you out east can. See check it out. It is DELISH!!! Recipe here.


Lilli in Vancouver said...

What a sweet-looking Auntie :)

Thanks for the tip about books on tape. I actually did that for a while, over 12 years ago. I remember a Robert Ludlum thriller, and a couple more. I remember getting lots of them at the library. It was great fun, and for some reason over time I forgot about it. I'll have to keep this in mind!

Shauna said...

Thanks for the recipe!!! I am thinking you can ask Albertsons to order the coconut for you. The Albertsons here in FL have it... They are great about ordering things for me that I cannot find here in the East... Worth a try!

love.boxes said...

Thanks Naner, I'll try that! :)

Lilli, it was interesting that I read Jane Austen's Emma on tape 2 different times and the readers were different and it really was like reading 2 different books, because they made the tones of the characters so different.