We finally finished the whole series last night. I feel like someone should give me an award. I loved books 1-3 (you know.. the short ones). I am not a series person, with the exception of Jan Karon's Mitford series, which I adore, I have a difficult time if a series is longer than 3-4 book and usually move on.
And, Rowling can write teens. If they did one more bit of whining.. I was going to send them all to time out! But, the ending was great and c is really happy with me for sticking it out (I didn't whine) and it all goes back to the library today! Hooray!
I love Harry Potter! JK Rowling is a brilliant writer. Once you have read the entire series, you have to re-read the entire thing again... its amazing to see all the foreshadowing that Rowling does. My step-mil is the dean of literature at a university in Illinois... they are starting to teach Harry at University's now because of how brilliantly she writes.
I also hate series... but this one is a keeper!
Good for you! You did it! I still think the last book was one of the best books I read last year although it was HUGE!
Good for you! You did it! I still think the last book was one of the best books I read last year although it was HUGE!
love Harry. might re-read him this summer. The last book was really great.
They did do a lot of whining in that last book, but I probably would have too, given the age and circumstances of the characters. Oh, I do love Harry Potter. To re-read them is like visiting a friend.
Congrats! That is no small task. We're still working on the Little House books.
I'm not so sure we are ready for Harry Potter yet.....some of the books seem a little dark. We can discuss this later. I think I need to determine the right age. Good for you!! and little c!
Wow...that's really quite an accomplishment! Good for you to stick with it until the end.
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