I had my car detailed Tuesday morning and at the place I go to anyway they put this is funny plastic seat cover over the drivers seat so you arrive in your destination with a dry bum, which is good. When I got home and was pulling the seat cover off so that the upholstry could dry out c said, "Could I have that? Please???" NOOOOOOO! I am the meanest mom. But, I so rarely actually get to throw the garbage away these days and I just needed to put that wet seat cover in the garbage can. I just needed to do it. Ceral boxes.."I need that mom!" Every box UPS brings to the house is a wonder. There are foam peanuts, tissue paper and cardboard enough to make it look like some kind of art/war zone around here.

I just got finished writing on my friend
Circe's blog that c uses everything as an art supply, I knew that she would understand (
see here). Circe is so wise to laugh now and not wait until later. c got some cotton candy for V-Day... did she eat it.. no...she created with it. I wish that I had photos of her entertaining herself for an hour with the stuff. I was a bit sad about that until I remembered what she'd left in her room..
The above pictures are what I found in her room this morning. That was the rest of her candy her nammy gave her. I must have neglected the
don't play with your food lesson. I don't care if she ever eats candy, if she didn't inherit my sugar addiction that would be just great. c insists that she will be an inventor/ engineer. I don't say anything about here career choice except that she needs to do well in math (She did tell me the other day that she was going to have to give up the dream of a college education because long division was too difficult and she told her teacher that if she didn't explain it to her that it would be all the teacher's fault if she didn't get into college. Her teacher told me this laughing hard & c seems to have conquered long division so no worries, college plans are back on track). Anyway, engineer or not she sure has the mind of an artist. And, as much as I complain, secretly I adore finding pink jelly bean hearts in the carpet.