Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Autumn Gift...

Look at this pretty gift that I recieved from a new friend. It's zucchini bread in it's prettiest form.. all wrapped up in a gift. Don't you love the sparkly ribbon?


THis is fun..

A Favorite Autumn Poem...

Time to get out the pretty Autumn things...

The morns are meeker than they were,The nuts are getting brown; The berry's cheek is plumper,The rose is out of town.The maple wears a gayer scarf, The field a scarlet gown. Lest I should be old-fashioned,I'll put a trinket on.- Emily Dickinson, Nature 27 - Autumn

The Age of Innocence...

There were a lot of pretty things in this film, but I just didn't like it. And, I didn't understand the actions of the characters. They didn't make sense to me. Maybe the book explains things better. I just thought this Newland guy was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. When he has second thoughts and his affections seem to be lessening for his fiance.. he shortens his engagement? And, then he loves the Countess so much that when he is free, he decides not to see her?
I did not admire his physical fidelity to his wife, because he did not intend to be faithful. And, he is never emotionally faithful. Poor May gave him an out even and he didn't take it. I would have liked her character maybe, but she was a snob and sort of naive.
I was never really invested in these characters because I didn't really like them and so I found myself not caring really what they did.
So... the book is better right? Has anyone read it?