Sadly, I am coming to the end of this series. I will go into mourning when I have finished the last book.
Jan Karon said that she wrote these books so that her readers would have an extended family. Well, I have family out my ears, I'm from Utah... hello?!? However, I would adopt a few of these characters into my real family if it were possible. I am, ofcourse, reading these books on tape and John McDonough has done a wonderful job bringing these characters to life. He is brilliant! Father Timothy Cavanagh has become like a favorite friend that I look forward to hearing from everyday as I paint my little boxes. He is the kind of friend who will come when needed, who never pries, is seldom snippy and always forgiving. He loves Wordsworth, flowers, big slobbery dogs, and little children... a really great guy, just the kind of guy you would choose to befriend or befamily. And, there is something he often says that even as I think of it puts a tiny catch in my throat and that is ... "All things will be well and very well." May all things be well and very well with you.... Read these ... or listen... listening is better.