Saturday, August 25, 2007

Under the Tuscan Sun...

With the exception of a few secularist rants that detract from the loveliness of the story, I really enjoyed this book.
While it alludes to the story of a life, the book is about beauty and how in Tuscany the sun goes to the soul of everything until it is lit within.
(nothing like the film really..)

Because of Winn-Dixie...

We check out quite a few dog books at our house. Pancake likes them so much you know. This little book is beautifully crafted, tender and hopeful. Kate Di Camillo is an artist whose penned images lead a heart through a difficult path traveling and learning until it breaks open onto a wise and inspired vista. I must be the last to have read this little gem about a dog that smiles, but so glad to have finally discovered it.
I also loved The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.. Pancake didn't like it as much because it's about a rabbit.