This was such an interesting film. I wondered how accurate it was. I do remember The Queen's speech on television. Princess Diana's death was such a sad thing to me.. as was much of her life. I remember following her
engagement to the prince in all the magazines and I remember getting up in the middle of the night to watch her wedding on television. She was a fairytale princess.. just when I was at an age when I wanted to be exactly that. I still have my 'Princess' book by Robert Lacey that I was given for one of my birthdays when I was little and I still love it. I just adored her. But, she really taught me that adage that "all that glitters is not gold." Out of the public eye and without so much it may be more possible to find real happiness...
Still, I hope in the
eternities she will have the peace and happiness she seemed to be searching for.
I really enjoyed this film too. I felt so sorry for her. She just led a very lonely life in the mist of it all.
Beautifully put as always Tif! Wasn't Helen Miren amazing?
I loved this DVD so much I bought it. I loved watching Helen Miren. It was really put together well. Great story I think about how people come together and work through a problem. I love how it shows the queen as both cold and human. I think everyone is a mix of strength and weakness.
I saw this and it seemed like Helen Mirren actually was the queen. What a great role for her. I am quite glad I'm not in a public eye because I don't know how I'd hold up under the scrutiny.
Steve and I thought the movie was very well done. We noticed how much compassion was shown to both sides. And Helen Mirren was amazing :)
Tiffany-How small is this world. Motherboard stayed with my parents on her mission in WA state. Isn't that a bizarre finding. Found her through you. My parents will be thrilled.
Bonjour Tiffany! I greatly enjoy reading your comments on my blog, thanks for being such a regular visitor! I visit yours often but do not always have time to leave comments, you see, I am on slow speed internet and sometimes the wait kills me! The Queen always puts a smile on my face... You see, we are still part of the Commonwealth, the Queen is still our queen despite the fact that she does not have much in common with us. There is this funny anecdote about the Queen's last visit here in Quebec. One of the ministers, I am talking sub-prime-ministers not the preaching ones, was welcoming the Queen at the parliament. She stopped to talk to him unexpectedly, he forgot proper manners, and he kissed her on both cheeks, you know, like French people do and like we do here all the time... She smiled... the news made a big deal out of it, that it was improper, bla, bla, bla... Well, she later replied to the gesture by saying it was a very warm welcoming act and that it made her feel good... Must be hard to be the Queen all the time... Hey, Tiffany, let's exchange dahlia tubbers next fall! Take care, LuLu
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