This is a sacred place to me. I was married in this building in a beautiful white and green room with big windows and lots of light. Inside the room there are large mirrors on opposing walls so it's as if you can see for eternity.. Have you ever done that with a mirror? In our church we believe that family life continues after death and that we are married for time and all eternity.
I'm very happy about that because C is still my best friend and I don't want to have anything to do with an eternity that doesn't include him... (I'm his only wife, by the way and more trouble than any poor man should have to deal with but he's stuck with me now. :) Plural marriage was practiced in the early church by about 5% of the LDS population and it has not been practiced at all for over 100 years.. so please don't confuse my faith with the FLDS faith that has been so much in the news of late. While I have a lot of concern about and for the struggles that are happening within their faith. It's such a different church that I know little more about it than you.)
This is The Joseph Smith Building. It used to be The Hotel Utah, but President Gordon B. Hinckley wanted to make a building that would be a tribute to our Church's founding prophet Joseph Smith and so he had this building restored. Unlike the Temple, anyone can enter here. Inside there is a large family history center. Latter Day Saints (Mormons) like to find out about their ancestors. We like to know where we came from. And, you are welcome to go there and people will help you get started with your own genealogy if you like... It's all the rage you know Martha Stewart and Oprah are really into it these days so you don't have to be Mormon to like genealogy.
There are also a lot of pretty rooms in here where people like to have parties, musical events, business meetings & especially wedding receptions. It's the most fun place at Christmas!
The columns are about 50 feet tall, I think. Big anyway!

The gardens are lovely!
I took lots of close ups with my camera to make pretty cards.. but I wanted to show you how the whole flower beds look.

At the end of this little tour, I wish I could invite you for grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup at Lamb's down the street. It's been here a long time by Salt Lake City standards since 1918 I think. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed visiting some of my favorite places with me.. I just wanted to tell you these few things and show you some fun pictures. :)

I am so struck by the beautiful blue of the sky in your pictures today, Tiffany. It is an amazing thing to look up and see such a clear blue to dive in to!
Cherry xoxoxoxo
I loved this tour. Thank you. I sound so naive writing this, but I appreciate your posts about the LDS. As far as I know, you are my only Mormon friend (I love blog-world) and LDS has certainly been in the new lately, so I'm happy to hear your opinion about things. You enlighten me in a most wonderful way. Thank you.
Thanks for this Tiff. As an LDS person, I appreciated this greatly. I love Temple Square. Its beauty all year round. This time of year, is one season that I have not been there. It is so bright and colorful. And the Lambs Grill Cafe is on my list next time for sure. I think I will do a simular post sometime.
Lovely pictures and post! I've never tried Lamb's Cafe, I'll have to try that sometime. Thanks for the pretty start to the day!
The area is special to me because I served my mission there. Thanks for the beautiful pictures!
This is totally one of my favorite places in the entire world..and I have been to many, many places. I never tire of being on Temple Square, going to the Joseph Smith Building, and just being in downtown Salt Lake.
I am head to the BYU Women's convference this week which means, downtown Salt Lake is part of the trip!
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous!!!
Great comments!
Oh, tif! Thanks for the tour! It is our anniversary today so your timing is perfect! I love feeling like I have been there today! Hope you don't mind if I link to you today, your description and marriage is too perfect. I am still dealing with sickness so am low on energy and still haven't finished River. I guess I will be that person that shows up after the book club! I will do better next month I promise. For one thing I have already read that one!
Gorgeous!! And Lamb's...well, it's just the best place for white-linen dining around. I love it there. I still have dreams about waiting tables at Lamb's.
Thanks Tiffany! Lovely tour :) I love those beautiful gardens
What beautiful photos! YOu have captured my interest indeed!!
Dear Tiffany - you make me laugh - I loved your fashion tip!
I am a huge fan of glitter (and most things sparkly) and would happily wear it everyday - if the cherubs didn't threaten to eat it off my cheek.
My tip - wear coloured glitter - I'm sure no one would think you had red dandruff!:-)
Beautiful! Why can't my flower bed look like that???
Gorgeous Tif!! I can't wait to see your cards!
Beautiful, Tif!!! It makes me a little homesick. (Okay, a lot homesick!)
I just ate a Lambs for the first time last summer. It's a favorite of my husband's family. It was like stepping back in time. I absolutely loved it. Maybe we could meet there for a blogger's lunch when I come into town next time.
Beautiful pictures!
I just wish all the religious nuts would stop popping up in Texas. I swear we aren't all crazy.
Wowzers that is so beautiful Tiffany! Thanks for the tour!
Woooaahh That is one SPECTACULAR building you have here my dear!
I loved this post!!!
Hi, I just looked at your blog for the first time & wanted to say thanks for this post. A long time ago, I was a missionary on Temple Square. I haven't been there in almost seven years & seeing your beautiful pictures reminded me of how wonderful spring feels there!
Good post.
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