I have a large collection of quotes and I found one the other day that I must put in one of my boxes soon because it reads, "Happiness is a form of courage." Holbrook Jackson said that and I've had that quote rattling around in my brain for days. It's true if you think about it. Happiness is a form of faith and maybe one of the best ways in which faith can be expressed. Happiness is contagious and can be shared. Happiness is a form of faith which replaces fear with gratitude. Happiness is a form of forgiveness. We're happier when we can be patient with ourselves and others. I'm not good at that yet, but I want to be. It's been something to think about. What makes you happy?
The picture of your flowers made ME happy! They are so pretty - they look so delicate (like tissue paper)!
I LOVE that quote! I had not thought of it before as being a form of faith ... and replacing fear with gratitude! I love that idea!!
What a wonderful post! Thanks for being so inspiring!
Great quote and picure! Hurray for flowers! I am happy that it was warm enough to walk the kids to school and get my lazy bum moving this morning!
I LOVE that quote! It does take courage to be happy at time when those around you say to be unhappy.
What makes me happy... so much, but today I would say spending time with my children, especially the grown children, one is here visiting with his wife.
I could plant those flowers in my yard! I do that with poinsettas every year and have quite the garden of poinsettas that come and go each year.
Gorgeous purple campanula! They do make my heart sing :)
After my parents died (15 yrs ago) I read a book that made something in me shift. It was called 'Happiness is a Choice', and the author described how he and his wife had found happiness even though their son had been sick and died. There was something about the way he wrote, that made me look at happiness in a different way. I decided to be happy in spite of my circumstances. To be happy even when it didn't make sense.....to be happy just because it feels better ...because it's my life and I can live it however I want :)
My european grandmother saw happiness as a foolish, undignified way to be. And I say to that: I'd rather be foolish and happy, than dignified and unhappy!
What a lovely post and beautiful photo - reminds me of Spring.
wow. Those are incredible.
Those are so beautiful! I just purchased a pink hydrangea.
Such pretty flowers. Being happy is so much easier than being angry. It really is contagious and people respond so well to happiness. I know you can't always be happy, but I want to teach my daughter about being gracious and full of light. I don't think I answered your question, but I liked this post a lot!
Tiff what gorgeous flowers.
Seeing those flowers make me happy! Thanks Tiff!!
What makes me happy? My Love Box collection, a clean countertop, fresh flowers and a schedule brimming with activity. Happiness can definitely be a conscious choice, and I've found that you can almost always choose it, no matter what. Especially if you remember how blessed you are and how much more fun it is to be happy than grumpy. Thanks for the inspiring words!
What a beautiful and inspiring post ! What a lovely idea to have "Happiness" as ones faith...I will try seeing it like that, see if it helps when I'm being a grumpy old thing !
i go nuts at the nursery too:) i love those flowers, i have some campanula in my garden, but not that variety...i will have to look for it this year:)
thanks for the win!!! yippeeeeee!!!
I love it your blog, and their boxes are beautiful!
I will always go there!
Hug Lú
Hello ~
Happy Valentine's day to you!
YOU have won my 8"x10" landscape.
I can not find your email. So please get in touch with me (email in on my profile page). http://miztlee.blogspot.com/
As soon as I have your name and address it will go in the post.
Your right, happiness is a form of courage. What beautiful thoughts.
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