I vacuumed and cleaned up the family room. While I was sanding more boxes, they were talking about the passing of William F. Buckley. What an interesting man and I think a great man. Even those who disagreed with him politically liked him when they knew him. He was fun and funny as well. I loved where in a political debate he refused to take his allotted time to speak and said, "I am satisfied to sit back and contemplate my own former eloquence."
I met his brother once and had the opportunity to listen to him speak. I won't forget it. It was very moving and just amazing. I wrote a little about that here.
My sister came over for lunch. It was fun to visit with her. She probably thinks eating over here is weird because I always just grab odd leftovers out of the fridge. I photographed and listed these boxes in the shop.

Oh, I forgot to say the Jehovah's Witnesses tried to visit in the morning. I try to be kind to traveling evangelists since my own church sends missionaries out as well, but they came during jammie time which is often all morning and so I had to hide and pretend I wasn't home. It's awkward to be caught in your jammie pants and 10 AM (although I've seen people wearing jammies and slippers at the Mall.. that's a bit casual isn't it.) With me though it's less devastating to spill paint on your jammies somehow. And, I spill frequently.

I tried to read/listen to this book called Snow in August (I think that's it). The reader sounds like a computer. No emotion. No range. He stunk and so I need to make a trip to the library today.
In the evening I went to the church and helped (I am not much help at this) make a quilt for a girl in our neighborhood who is going off to college soon. My finger cracked and I bled on it a bit.. nice. I liked the colors though bright pink, green, tangerine and yellow. It was about a full size quilt and the top was made out of this really pretty sheet.
When I got home, c and I played a game of speed scrabble.. we just made this particular game up. You dump out all the tiles and try to make a huge crossword as fast as you can. It's pretty fun. I like Scrabble and Boggle and hate most other games except maybe Pictionary.
Then when the house was dark and quiet.. we spent an hour whispering about all the news of the day. C knows about everything I swear. I love a fascinating conversation right before I drop off to sleep.
So those are a few of moments in my day. What happened in your day?
So those are a few of moments in my day. What happened in your day?
You are so cute...hiding out in your pajamas? I've done it, too. I've hid on the J.W.'s and tried to quiet my baby when she was crying. I'm positive they heard me, but I just couldn't bear to open the door. And I would just love to come over and have a leftover-lunch with you. I love when I clean out the fridge and put all sorts of things together. Thanks for sharing a day with you!
I myself have had to hide in my pajamas mid morning from someone at the door. I guess it happens to all of us. It does make you feel very silly though. Interesting post - by the way...
What a fun and unique post! I liked that. Blogging is such a fun way to allow us to peek into eachother's lives. I did some cleaning and organizing yesterday and found the missing shoe to my son's favorite pair as well as my husband's biking gloves. I also started re-reading Pride and Prejudice just for fun.
I can totallly imagine you hiding in your jammies! Did you have on the cute slippers too? Sounds like a near perfect day, got some cleaning done and some art, spent time with fun people. What more do you need!
Oh Tiffany! Thank you for making me feel "normal" (whatever THAT is!) After I had had one of my babies, it was about 5:30 and I realized we were all still in our Pj's, and Jefe was on his way home from work. I hurried and got everyone showered, and dressed so that it looked like we were all just busy busy all day. After we ate dinner, I told Thing 1 she should go get in her Pj's and she looked at me funny and said:"but mom, we just got dressed."
whoops. busted.
What a great post! Thanks!
I LOVE this entry. So fun to know about your day.
Such a fun day and a fun post to read! I can't even remember everything I packed in to today or yesterday. You are so good!
I love the peek! During my day, I was supported by my most wonderful friends, who came to hear the squeaks and squaks of my kids. It was another opprtunity to see how much my friends mean to me, and I'm so thankful! If c develops an interest in music, send her over. She can try out all the different ones and pick! Love ya!
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