Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This Year I Will...

I'm a person who likes to make goals and I do that all the time, but this year I'm planning to make some resolutions as well. And, I'm reading this book, (I'm about 30 pages in and it's really great so far), to help me make some plans that will help me achieve the things I want to. I also want to continue some goals we made last summer in our family that have been going well, but you know how things can slip if you're not careful.

I was listening to the TV while doing some housework the other day and they were interviewing people about their resolutions and I thought some of them were pretty great and thought about how fun it would be to do their resolutions in my own way. One guy said that he would like to perform an act of kindness everyday. I don't think that he meant holding a door for someone and that sort of thing, I think he meant something really intentional and thought out. That would be really fun I think.

Some of the goals I have are just not as fun to contemplate... like losing 15 pounds for my sister's wedding. I don't want to hate the photos for the rest of my life. Talking kinder to myself and others would cause a lot less stress in my life. I hate saying the wrong thing. And, I hate how I always say lately, "fer" and "yeah" instead of, "for" and "yes". I want to be the kind of person who accomplishes more and worries less. I need to find a way to put those things and a few others into concrete goals that can be measured for progress.. (see I'm being optimistic already). Still, I'm contemplating these goals because they are the things that are making me the most unhappy. I'm actually a pretty happy person, but I think it makes sense to get rid of the things that make you the most unhappy first.

It's a bright shining new day in a bright and hopeful new year. My Christmas Paperwhites are soaking up the brilliant sunshine in the window this morning and almost anything seems possible.


Lilli in Vancouver said...

Wishing you Good Luck with your resolutions this year! You're already pretty special, but I certainly understand the urge to keep honing one's character :)

All the Best in 2008!
Love, Lilli

Alison Gibbs said...

Happy New Year.
Enjoy 2008.
Sometimes I think we should just be proud of who we already are and not worry too much about how we think other people see us.

allison said...

I'm feeling pretty optimistic with my resolutions, too. I'm sure you'll be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to doing.

Circe said...

I like your goals! I'd do pretty well if I emulated all my amazing friends, you included!

blah said...

Dear Tiffany - thank you so much for dropping by! I must say too that this jonquil stem is beautiful - reminds me of home! :-)