I am a child of royal birth.
My Father is King of heaven and earth.
My sprit was born in the courts on high.
A child beloved, a princess am I.
I was nurtured there; I lived by
His sideIn a home where patience and love abide.
My mother was there in that glorious place
Blessing her children with queenly grace.
I grew to the stature that spirits grow.
I gained the knowledge I needed to know.
I was taught the truth and I knew the plan
That God and Christ laid out for man.
I was there when the stars of morning sang.
I mingled my voice when the heavens rang.
I was there to rejoice, to praise and applaud
The shouts of joy from the sons of God.
I waited my turn and I came to earth
Through the wonderful channel of human birth.
Then the curtains were closed and the past was gone;
On the future too, the curtains were drawn.
I live on the earth, and God willed it so.
With freedom to choose the way I should go.
I must search for the truth,
I must serve and obey;
I must walk by my faith or fall by the way.
Someday I’ll go back; I will answer the call; I
’ll return with my record to the Father of all.
The books will be opened and so will my heart.
There will be rejoicing if I’ve done my part.
My Father, the King, with His infinite love
Will welcome me back to the mansions above.
The curtains will part and eternity
In it’s light and glory will open to me.
~Anna Johnson
I spent most of yesterday finishing the finish on quite a few boxes which I will show you next week. And listening to more Robinson Crusoe. He has finally escaped the cannibal island and so maybe we are done with scattered bits and pieces of people and endless discussions about raising goats. Goats are Robinson Crusoe's main source of protein. And, Jenni maybe you can answer this.... why do the English always want to boil their meat? Why not roast it over the fire?
Anyway, enough of him. Later in the evening we moved on to reading Peter and the Starcatchers... which is much more fun, and a gift from Shawna. Thank you Shawna! We love this book so much that we are reading it aloud together & cruising through it. So I have purchased an additional copy...
.... which brings me to my next point...

which is that Peter and the Starcatchers and many other lovely and fun things are going to be part of 5 drawings that will start Monday and go through Friday to celebrate the opening of the new Hand Painted Love Boxes Etsy Shop. All you need to do to participate is to comment on the posts that include this little birdie. The prizes are going to be really fun! So.... watch for the birdie and comment on that post before Midnight EST. Good luck!!!
I love the crown box. Beautiful. You should think about including those in your line. But be careful about using the poem without permission on the ones you sell. The fines for that type of thing are very high. Maybe you could come up with a saying of your own.
Good point Carrie. This poem is quite old, but I don't know if it's old enough. You can use quotes from books and speeches up to a certain number of words without permission from what I understand. And, I even consider that ethical as long as you put the author's name along with the quote, which I always do. Poetry and lyrics are another issue. Usually when I use poetry, I use Romantic period pieces and older that are no longer under copyright restriction. And, I often write my own.
However, I think I could say paint a tribute box to Martin Luther King Jr. and write inside... "I have a dream... Martin Luther King Jr." and not have to have permission.
If any of you know concrete details on copyright law, it would be helpful and interesting to know.
Thanks for bringing that up Carrie!
Love love love the tiara! Love the contest! count me in!
Any work published on or before December 31, 1922 is now in the public domain.
Works published between January 1, 1923 and December 31, 1978, inclusive, are protected for a term of 95 years from the date of publication, with the proper notice.
But, if the work was published between 1923 and December 31, 1963, when there used to be a (non-automatic) "renewal term," the copyright owner may not have renewed the work. If he or she did not renew, the original term of protection (28 years) would now be expired and these works will be in the public domain.
These are the best guidelines I could find as far as being simple... and I am thrilled because that means all my designs are protected for 95 years. As for the poem. It was published in 1950 and it has been used in the public domain for quite some time, but it is in a gray area so going forward I won't use it on anything that I sell.
Absolutely amazing. Very Tiara-ish and she will most definately adore it. As always, you dont disappoint!
Oh Birdie! A birdie of many treats! I love that poem!!! I must keep it in case any little flower buds ever enter my life...Love the reading you are up to. How dreamy. Memories in the making...
I loved Peter and the Star Catchers. It was wonderful. And I believe that they have also written another one as well.
Gosh, I turn my back on you for two seconds and suddenly you've made a bunch of new stuff !
Pretty Sparkly tiara :)
Hey speaking of kids books, I have almost finished the last indian book and it really is good!
I can't wait to read that Michelle, it's on my list!
So beautiful...inside and out! Thanks for also reminding me about books on recordings. A good habit for me to return to!
yay! gotta love giveaways!! i love that poem... who cares if it's in a gray area, use it baby! :)
i kid.
I love the crown!
And what a great way to celebrate your grand entrance into Etsy!!
Can't wait....
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