My friend made this drink. It has a fruit in it called the Alpine Sandthorn Berry which is a fruit that contains some of the omega vitamins found in fish. Amazing. I was prepared for it to taste yuck because it's a health food supplement, but it doesn't. It's really delicious. Read about it here. Good job!!!
could this be the new red bull replacement?? does it give you wings?
I don't think it will replace Red Bull, it might be good if it did though. It's all healthy stuff, no caffine, no sugar, no preservatives. :)
I love this health drink. I use it myself and also distribute it here at my website http://www.utahpowerlifting.com/ . It's not going to give you a sugar rush like a Red Bull. But the health benefits from the sandthorn berry's nutrition will really help you out. I know from personal experience from drinking it every morning for 2 months now.
yeah, and it totally cures cancer. see my website at http://www.alpinevjuice.blogspot.com
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