Friday, June 29, 2007

A House Divided...

Since I have been reading Doris Kearns Goodwin's book, Team of Rivals, I wanted to watch this again so that I could see the sights that are mentioned in the book. I think this is an amazing program and so relevant to so much that is happening in our country now.. see it if you haven't had a chance. (available through netflix)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Liberty Forever...

These little star boxes are available in
Please read every bit of the post below to find out about giveaways in July...
*** these sold out very quickly... next year I'll make more :) Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dearest Friend...

I promised that I would recommend a few of my favorite books appropriate to the season. This book was given to me for my birthday one year and was a favorite gift. I just love it. Women are left out of history because they were not allowed to be the major players. Abigail Adams was one of the first women to look after the rights of the "ladies" and she had the brains to do it.
Thanks to her prolific letter writing, we have some insight into the thoughts of a great patriot as she wrote to her, "Dearest Friend" and many others as well.
One of my favorite quotes from the book is where she says this, "I begin to think that a calm is not desirable in any situation in life. Every object is most beautiful in motion, a ship under sail, trees gently agitated with the wind, and a fine woman dancing... man was made for action." It's a good thing that she felt that way because she was a woman who was forced to work very hard in her life. She accomplished greatness.
I am so appreciative to Ms. Withey for her efforts in writing this book. I am very touched by the integrity that she has as an author. I felt that she did not try to put words or thoughts into Abigail's head, but allowed Abigail's own words and the words of the other founders speak for themselves. This is the hard work of the dedicated historian and I felt that Ms. Withey took the road less traveled and it did indeed make all the difference. Reading this book was an experience that I am very grateful to have had.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

North & South...

This film has nothing to do with the Civil War, but is definitely in the spirit of period costume dramas that I adore. And, again, the BBC just does a brilliant job here. This film is based on Elizabeth Gaskell's 19th century novel of the same name; she also wrote Wives and Daughters which has a BBC production of its own.
I was especially impressed by the depth of this story which includes themes that are very relevant today. Elizabeth Gaskell was not one of the Romantic writers but has a style very similar to Charles Dickens who was born just two years after Gaskell in 1812. They were both reformers who wrote very sympathetically of those in desperate conditions.
The script in this production is tight as a drum and the acting is spot on. Don't miss this one. (available through Netflix)

The "G" is for Guts...

I am amazed at the kinds of jobs given to very young people in war. This book is about the WW2 Glider Pilots whose job it was to fly large gliders loaded with fuel, troops, ammunition, food and supplies and crash land those gliders behind enemy lines and then fight their way out only to do the whole thing again.
This book shows the resolute courage of some of those pilots who remember still, the terrible cost of liberty.

Put this book on your July reading list.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend in Midway...

We had a wonderful weekend spending some time around the campfire with lots of our good friends, C and little c had a dip in the pool while I finished up a great book, and we topped the weekend off by having a beautiful luch at our favorite Park City Restaurant... Terigos. The weekend just flew by.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Pretty Pink Petunia...

Petunias are amazing these days. The no longer need "dead-heading" (which does not mean that they have to be restricted from following a certain band), they spread all over with a little Mircacle Grow and they pile up in a petunia pouf by the middle of July. I love some of the trailing varieties which people are using for window boxes and hanging baskets... I used to hate the poor common petunia, but now it's a favorite as it really works for the Granny Chic garden I'm going for. It's just a lot of color for your money.


Help! I am hosting a Luau for sixty people. After spending $20 on these leis, I have eighty dollars left in my budget. I already have plates, napkins etc... I just don't know what to make that is delish, cheap and really easy.

Dear Frankie...

It takes me until about 2 years after a film has gone to DVD for me to see it these days. I finally saw this film last night and I'm so glad that I actually watched it because I've been short on time and I almost just sent it back unseen.
It is a very well written, well acted film about a mother who leaves a brutal marriage to protect her son. She is unable to tell him the truth about his father and so she pretends that the boys' father is in the navy and she writes the boy letters that come from his father's travels all over the world.
This is such a sweet film. I really enjoyed it and I don't want to give away any more so you'll just have to see it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Some books are borrowers and some are keepers. By that I mean, some books are meant to be checked out at the library and returned and some books are meant to be purchased for your home library, kept and treasured. This is a treasured book. Beautifully written, and very straightforward, Benson Bobrick allows the Founding Parents to speak in their own words instead of making thoughts and assumptions for them as is so popular with many historians. When you finish this book, you will know the founders better, you will understand their values and you will see the seeds of a new kind of thought begin to take root and grow into the concept of self-government.

Over the next few weeks, I plan to share just a few of my favorite American histories with you. I believe that we ought to know the history of our country and even (this is where I'm pathetic) the history of our world. We can't possibly know enough about our past. I think that more than any other learning, learning about our past as a nation and as a human race, can help us avoid terrible mistakes in the future. I love this quote by Edward Gibbon, an Englishman and historian who wrote one of the world's very important books, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way of judging of the future but by the past."


Someone at Target likes the 4th of July. I love it myself and thought I might check and see what red, white and blue they might have. I did a "July" search and found 123 products. They've got red rubies and flag plates, you can buy a costume and dress up as Ben Franklin, they actually have all your colonial needs and if you get really in the spirit of things... you can dress your kid up as Uncle Sam.... (no I'm not kidding) and you can get all of this stuff with out even leaving your chair. Amazing... If little c ever wants to be in the parade, I know where I'm looking first.

Red, White & Blue...

If there is anything better than candy, it has to be holiday candy. Tootsie has taken quite the long time to jump on the holiday candy band wagon, but when they did... just look! Aren't these just sooooo fun!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lily of the Valley...

I finished painting this box yesterday. It only needed that last coat of varnish but it was difficult to work that in when with swimming lessons and two ballet rehearsals. Little c and her cousin J make such beautiful little Autumn Leaves. The recital is based on the 4 seasons... it's been so fun.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Leggo My Eggo...

I love these things because I am not a hot breakfast maker, little c has tired of toast and cereal and all the other two second deals (lean pockets are my next move I think), but as long as you don't overdo on the syrup they are 2 Waffles @ 180 calories and 6 grams of fat... not too bad and there are 6 grams of protein which is actually pretty good. It's not scrabbled eggs, but it only takes 2min. Hooray!

Mom & Me...

My mom gave me these cute pictures over the weekend. Not to be braggy, but aren't we kinda cute?

The Audrey Movies...

Of all of Audrey's fun films, these two are my favorites. We watched How To Steal a Million last night. I never get tired of it. The script is so fun and the clothes are so beautiful, with the exception of a hat or two which just seem ridiculous (one looks like she's wearing a Q-tip on her head).
About nine years ago, I was able to aquire one the original 14X36 inserts from How to Steal a Million. It wasn't at all expensive back then. I framed it and hung in by the TV. Since we like classic movies so much, it feels appropriate there. I think that it gives the room a touch of the Granny Chic that I love so much.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Dandelion Quilts...

I guess that I've been interested in quilts lately. I love the bright and original designs of Dandelion Quilts.. See her beautiful shop here. How about these gorgeous colors!

Lily of the Valley...

I've been so busy lately painting Christmas designs, but yesterday I decided to take a break from that and paint some yellow boxes with bouquets of Lily of the Valley on them. I must really miss spring. It seems like we've had a day or two here or there. And the last two days have been so wonderful with all the rain, but I love spring. It never lasts long enough for me. I adore tulips, lilac, bleeding heart, pansies and all the other bright and happy spring flowers. And, since I've been out of season anyway, I guess it's not too wierd to paint spring.
(not my photo)

Judi Boisson...

There is a beautiful article in Country Living Magazine this month about Judi Boisson and her lovely quilts and her beautiful home. See her online shop here. (Mom this means you.)

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I wish that I had read the novel Middlemarch before I watched the film this week. A long film, by the way, six hours of film. However, the six hours are no burden at all because this movie is fascinating with its deep character analysis along with many twists and turns. I did a little reading to prepare for this post and I believe that I can say the film follows the novel pretty well.

I think that I read some George Eliot in college, but it must not have been memorable, and I didn't really know much about her life which was fascinatingly scandalous. The main point not being that she used the pen name of George Eliot so that her work would be taken more seriously in Victorian England (her real name was Mary Ann Evans), the real scandal was that she lived as the wife of the philosopher and critic George Henry Lewes when he was already married and had a wife and three children (he believed in "open marriage"). Yes, that kind of scandal... (raise one eyebrow).

I did know how she felt about many of her comtemporary female authors (she thought they were just silly). Subsequently, I prejudged her work thinking that it would be very cynical, but I found instead that while it was very critical of social injustice, it was very liberal with people.

Middlemarch shows that even the worst people are not all bad and that the best people are not perfect. If I get into this point and try and give some examples, (there are sooooo many characters) we could be here all day. So with my one critisism that often even very good films end far too abruptly, I will recommend this film to you without reservation feeling quite sure that you'll like it, and if you don't like it... it will make you think. And, speaking for my own case, I always find that a good thing.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A light within...

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.
~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Something really marvelous is happing outside my window at this moment. It's raining. Rain hasn't happened for a long time. It has rained just right so that everything will be watered and clean again and the air is cooled and smells like spring. When it doesn't rain for a very long time... I feel like I've been holding my breath. Thank Heaven for this beautiful day. And, thank Dad for another beautiful picture.


Found this on Etsy this morning... See it here.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Garden Fare...

Dinner in the garden, darling? I love this little romantic tray from Room Service Home. See it here.

Salad Spritzers...

Has anyone tried these? If I could get over the idea that this seems like spraying your salad with hair-spray... possibly it could be a good dieting option with only 1 calorie per spray.

Summer Bridge...

Going through these little workbooks over the summer helps me to worry less about the possibility that little c is forgetting everything from the previous years. And, it helps me to understand some of the Math curriculum we will be facing in the fall.
I also like some of the math sites avail. expecially this one. It's a little boring, but it helps me to be clear on the concepts that need to be mastered for each grade.

Monday, June 04, 2007

The Topper Movies...

Little c loves these...

Cary Grant's character and Constance Bennett, who plays his lovely but silly wife, become ghosts driving crazy in their crazy car. They are stuck haunting around because they haven't done a good deed.

This film has no substance whatever, but the costumes are beautiful and there are some witty lines. But, it's the total silliness I think that appeals to little c.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sweet Peas and Roses...

Almighty and eternal God, so draw my heart to you, so guide my mind, so fill my imagination... that I may be wholly yours, utterly dedicated unto you; and then use me , I pray, as you will, and always to your glory, and the welfare of your people; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. ~ Source Unknown
I loved this inspiring quote and hope that you'll enjoy it as well. Best Wishes for a lovely Holy Sabbath Day...
Beautiful photos by Dad. Thanks Dad!!!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Read Allison's Column...

It's very good this week as usual. You'll all enjoy it! Here's the link.

The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax...

I finished The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax yesterday. It is the first novel in the Mrs. Pollifax series. I believe there are atleast 12. I am listening to them on tape. This first book took awhile to get going, but then it was quite fun. It's not the most lyrical writing or the best character development, and it's not deep. These books are just for fun, but I do think they are fun to listen to with kids because Dorothy Gilman had a good command of the English language and so there are a lot of good vocabulary words in her books. Little c loved the story. She is a big fan of Nancy Drew (yes, we can't wait for the movie) so, a granny CIA agent is fun too.
The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax begins by introducing an Emily Pollifax who has buried her husband and raised her children. She does volunteer work everyday, but one day as she is watering her geraniums on the roof of her apartment building, she realizes that it would be so easy to just take a step off into oblivion. She is bored out of her mind. So she decides to take a trip to Langley, Virginia and volunteer her services as a spy. Yep... Boredom no more. I think anyone over the age of eight could really enjoy these books on tape. The are fun summer reads. We are beginning The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax today.