Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Some books are borrowers and some are keepers. By that I mean, some books are meant to be checked out at the library and returned and some books are meant to be purchased for your home library, kept and treasured. This is a treasured book. Beautifully written, and very straightforward, Benson Bobrick allows the Founding Parents to speak in their own words instead of making thoughts and assumptions for them as is so popular with many historians. When you finish this book, you will know the founders better, you will understand their values and you will see the seeds of a new kind of thought begin to take root and grow into the concept of self-government.

Over the next few weeks, I plan to share just a few of my favorite American histories with you. I believe that we ought to know the history of our country and even (this is where I'm pathetic) the history of our world. We can't possibly know enough about our past. I think that more than any other learning, learning about our past as a nation and as a human race, can help us avoid terrible mistakes in the future. I love this quote by Edward Gibbon, an Englishman and historian who wrote one of the world's very important books, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way of judging of the future but by the past."


  1. Is this going to be over my head... I hope not, I'd love a good history book that I could understand.

  2. This book is very straightforward and it won't be over your head and E, I just know he would love it.. Ry and C really did.

  3. Really? Oh awesome! I think I'll order it now... have you thought about that suggestion given to you about registering w/ amazon and getting a kick back on your book recommendations? You'd make big bucks off me alone :) ha.

  4. very ha:) Sheesh. :)

  5. That is one I want to read. After my David O Mackay book.

  6. Hi!
    Im your gift exchange partner. Can you email at with your info.

  7. Your reviews are always great!

  8. Here are the books you have recommended that I have bought (and all bought through 2 Alexander Stoddard books, Princess and the Pea, Gilead, I'll Never... Eat a Tomato, Zen Shorts, and Art of Civilized Conversation (probably even a few more that I can't think of right off). I would never have bought any of them if it weren't for your recommendations... you just made Amazon some good money, you deserve a kick back or two, right? something to consider...

  9. Sheesh, when you read Gilead.. I am dying to know what you think.. it's my favorite novel.. well it ties with Crossing to Safety and Pride and Prejudice.

  10. Okay!! It's about 3 books away (Your friend Alexandra's 2 books first after the Art of Civilized Converstion which I'm about 1/2 way through)
