Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dear Frankie...

It takes me until about 2 years after a film has gone to DVD for me to see it these days. I finally saw this film last night and I'm so glad that I actually watched it because I've been short on time and I almost just sent it back unseen.
It is a very well written, well acted film about a mother who leaves a brutal marriage to protect her son. She is unable to tell him the truth about his father and so she pretends that the boys' father is in the navy and she writes the boy letters that come from his father's travels all over the world.
This is such a sweet film. I really enjoyed it and I don't want to give away any more so you'll just have to see it.


  1. I don't think I have even heard of it, I will have to put it on my list!

  2. I like that actress. She was good in Match Point and funny in her 30 Rock work.

  3. I love Love LOVE this movie! I own it and it's one of the movies that I watch every 3-4 months :)
