Friday, June 08, 2007

Lily of the Valley...

I've been so busy lately painting Christmas designs, but yesterday I decided to take a break from that and paint some yellow boxes with bouquets of Lily of the Valley on them. I must really miss spring. It seems like we've had a day or two here or there. And the last two days have been so wonderful with all the rain, but I love spring. It never lasts long enough for me. I adore tulips, lilac, bleeding heart, pansies and all the other bright and happy spring flowers. And, since I've been out of season anyway, I guess it's not too wierd to paint spring.
(not my photo)


  1. Spring is in one's heart :)

    Lily of the Valley was my mom's birthday month flower.

  2. Christmas designs! That made me laugh. It sounds like you're right on top of things and preparing for the winter!

  3. Sorry your spring was so short there, so glad you can paint the seasons you feel.

  4. Love the Lillies!!!! My mom's favorite.

  5. I've not read your blog before, but I will bookmake it as I love so many of the things you do. Love, love Jane Austen... books first, then movies. I have a warm spot in my heart for "Topper". I haven't tried that salad spray but sound a light one I looooove!! Salas and dressing on my blog soon. Just took a photo of it before we ate tonight.
