Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A light within...

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.
~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Something really marvelous is happing outside my window at this moment. It's raining. Rain hasn't happened for a long time. It has rained just right so that everything will be watered and clean again and the air is cooled and smells like spring. When it doesn't rain for a very long time... I feel like I've been holding my breath. Thank Heaven for this beautiful day. And, thank Dad for another beautiful picture.


  1. It is raining here too and I am in heaven. I have opened the windows and am letting the fresh smell take over my house

  2. Beautiful post and photo! Being in the middle of a severe drought, as we are in S Florida, makes me appreciate every drop of rain.

  3. Very sweet. Rain can be so renewing and cleansing. It rained here recently and turned our brownish-green grass into a lush green lawn.

  4. oh' sweetness is the smell of a garden with droplets of rain hanging from delicate petals and the lush green leaves...
    in Devon we seem to get too much rain...but its lush and green all year round so that is a good thing...the sun is shinning today though and ive managed to do abit of digging and weading.
    its such a wonder and delight having a garden isnt it tiffany?
    and i must say that picture of your garden puts mine to shame- its so sweet and beautiful...
    love your blog, such heavenly pic's tiffany.
    x x x kazzy x x x

  5. Wow, that might be my new favorite quote of all time... a stain glass window, what a perfect comparison to people.

    p.s. I think we should play a game called "name that backyard".

  6. Somebody has a pretty back yard!

  7. I wish that was my garden, but alas, it is my mom & dad's garden. They've spent a long time making it that pretty.

  8. Wow this is a beautiful photo! The colors are so rich and vibrant. Thank goodness for a bit of rain!

  9. What a beautiful shot! I like looking out through windows. I like the rain, too. It feels good to stand out in the middle of a sprinkle, and even better to watch my 20-month-old splash in the puddles afterwards. It's the highlight of his day.

  10. There sure is a lot of light from within that window. I love your parent's house.
