Monday, June 11, 2007

Leggo My Eggo...

I love these things because I am not a hot breakfast maker, little c has tired of toast and cereal and all the other two second deals (lean pockets are my next move I think), but as long as you don't overdo on the syrup they are 2 Waffles @ 180 calories and 6 grams of fat... not too bad and there are 6 grams of protein which is actually pretty good. It's not scrabbled eggs, but it only takes 2min. Hooray!


  1. I don't overdo it on the syrup, but I do like to make ice creams sandwiches out of these.
    A rare treat, but so good!
    And, yes, you and your mom are very cute!

  2. This is so funny. My girls begged for these at Costco on Saturday for summer breakfasts. They were so excited when I said yes!

  3. My elephant box came today! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Thank you so much. It's perfect for my Munchkinetta's collection. What a wonderful handmade treasure she'll have for always.

  4. I make homemade ones but when in a hurry, I agree that they can't be beat.

  5. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Two words...
    Toaster Strudel.

  6. My Dad was into hot breakfasts so growing up I didn't get to enjoy these eggos, but someone brought me a huge box of them when I was recovering from my first baby's birth. I thought it was the best brought-in-meal ever and so now I try to give a big box to new moms, too. :)
