Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas in the Manger...

Here's one for the younger set. I love Felicia Bond, you may remember her books about giving mice cookies and pancakes and muffins to moose and all the adventures that follow. Morale: don't feed the wild life. Anywho, I love this little board book. It explains the Christmas story to your smallest little elf, but with tender feeling. Don't miss.

Christmas Day in the Morning...

I was recently asked if I could name a few of my favorite Christmas storybooks. Yes I can. I apoligize if you've been reading this blog all along because I believe that I mentioned this book last year. I love Mark Beuhner's illustrations along side this classic Pearl S. Buck Christmas tale of a boy who discovers the meaning of love and finds a desire to give a gift from the heart.
Pearl S. Buck's writing is a bit sophisticated so I would say a child over the age of 6 or 7 would appreciate it more than the younger set. Anyone older would love it as well... even if they're 105.


Little c has had the most annoying cough lately, just this dry irritating cough the last 3 days. I thought about keeping her home last night as I was looking through the medicine cabinet in hopes of something that would make her more comfortable.
The cough medicine that I had said it was definitely not for kids, so I had nothing. When I mentioned this to C, he said that he'd just read an article about a study that said that a teaspoon of honey did more to alleviate an irritating cough in children far more than any over-the-counter drug. Well, I had honey and it was worth a try... it couldn't hurt. It didn't hurt... in fact it worked great. Really great. I am still scratching my head about how great. Tonight I made her drink a cup of tea that I made with a lemon wedge and about a tablespoon of honey. No coughing. None. She's still not feeling really well, but is much more comfortable. Amazing stuff honey.
I hope we are going to keep our bees. They've been disappearing you know... and we need this honey and fruit and flowers and... that's another subject.

The Holiday...

I may be the last person to have seen this film... but since no one warned me about it. I'm going to tell just in case you haven't seen it yet. It's the freakiest show. It's like it had two different writers.. one who wants to tell a nice romantic story with the holidays as a backdrop... and then some demented idiot whose mind is in the gutter.
Half of the movie has this darling story line with this elderly Hollywood writer.. sweet story and darling lines and then back to the gutter. YUCK! Rent it if you have ClearPlay and skip it if you don't.


This is a really fun Cary Grant- Katherine Hepburn film. The writing is great and the script is tighter than a lot of older films. It's not about Christmas, which was a bummer but... still fun.

The Bluebird of Happiness: a little book of CHEER

I received this darling little book from my mom for my birthday last month. I LOVE it! I love those little gift books anyway, but this one is a real favorite. Happiness and Bluebirds and quotes like these:
There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world.
~Robert Louis Stevenson
There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein
Happiness... not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour.
~Walt Whitman

Dear Santa...

These Dear Santa mugs are really cute. I saw them yesterday shopping here... I love reproduction vintage stuff. It's less likely to give you lead poisoning and still very cute!