Wednesday, December 12, 2007

One Winter Afternoon...


  1. What an amazing picture! Did you take it?

  2. I did take this picture on the way to ballet, which made little c and her cousin a bit bugged at me... but you have to take these pictures when they are there to take. :)

  3. This is gorgeous. So this is right near where you live? I've never been to that part of the country, but this makes me want to visit. It's beautiful. Great photo. I find myself carrying my camera at all times now because I don't want to miss an opportunity. Glad you shared this.

  4. Okay, that picture almost made me cry! I miss mountains! At least it is cold here today, 37 this morning. Thanks for sharing the pretty!

  5. This looks like a postcard! It makes me cold to look at. Hard to even imagine as I sit in my 80 degrees!

  6. wow. That is gorgeous
