Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Day in the Morning...

I was recently asked if I could name a few of my favorite Christmas storybooks. Yes I can. I apoligize if you've been reading this blog all along because I believe that I mentioned this book last year. I love Mark Beuhner's illustrations along side this classic Pearl S. Buck Christmas tale of a boy who discovers the meaning of love and finds a desire to give a gift from the heart.
Pearl S. Buck's writing is a bit sophisticated so I would say a child over the age of 6 or 7 would appreciate it more than the younger set. Anyone older would love it as well... even if they're 105.


  1. Love this one too.

  2. Barnes and Noble are going to love you!!

  3. We have this one and I love it.

  4. Excellent book. I already bought a Christmas book this year, but I think I'll buy this one for next year.
