Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Holiday...

I may be the last person to have seen this film... but since no one warned me about it. I'm going to tell just in case you haven't seen it yet. It's the freakiest show. It's like it had two different writers.. one who wants to tell a nice romantic story with the holidays as a backdrop... and then some demented idiot whose mind is in the gutter.
Half of the movie has this darling story line with this elderly Hollywood writer.. sweet story and darling lines and then back to the gutter. YUCK! Rent it if you have ClearPlay and skip it if you don't.


  1. I'm with you, it was a little whack-y

  2. Never saw it but I wanted to because I like all of the actors in it. Thanks for letting me know to skip it.

  3. I didn't care for this movie at all. I thought I would love it, but wound up forcing myself to sit through the entire thing.
