Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Little c has had the most annoying cough lately, just this dry irritating cough the last 3 days. I thought about keeping her home last night as I was looking through the medicine cabinet in hopes of something that would make her more comfortable.
The cough medicine that I had said it was definitely not for kids, so I had nothing. When I mentioned this to C, he said that he'd just read an article about a study that said that a teaspoon of honey did more to alleviate an irritating cough in children far more than any over-the-counter drug. Well, I had honey and it was worth a try... it couldn't hurt. It didn't hurt... in fact it worked great. Really great. I am still scratching my head about how great. Tonight I made her drink a cup of tea that I made with a lemon wedge and about a tablespoon of honey. No coughing. None. She's still not feeling really well, but is much more comfortable. Amazing stuff honey.
I hope we are going to keep our bees. They've been disappearing you know... and we need this honey and fruit and flowers and... that's another subject.


  1. I tried this yesterday, too! I gave Ari a packet of honey at Chick-fil-A last night, because she was coughing all over my aunt. And it worked! I could have gotten a lot more sleep the night before if I'd known!

  2. I made my husband this concoction:
    1 T. apple cider vinegar
    1 T. honey
    1 pinch cayenne pepper
    1 pinch ground ginger

    He gagged it down with much hacking and drama, then we tried honey with pepper, a little easier going down. Don't tell him that just straight honey will do the trick. He thinks all my voo doo medicine is whack!

  3. We LOVE honey. Thanks for the tip.
