Thursday, March 27, 2008

Forsythia and Snow in the Morning Light...

Sometimes I don't mind insomnia. Do you sleep well? I often don't. I'm a bundle of crazy that we won't discuss here. I guess some people can work stuff out in their dreams, but I have to paint to work things out.
At 3A.M., I left my bed to paint.. and I made something, which I'll show you later.
I listened to the BBC reporting from and about Basra. Tragic. Some of those people are innocents who have been through so much already.
The situation in the world made me think about ways that my family can conserve, be more self-sufficient and less wasteful. I think we need to be.
I thought a lot about what kind of parent I am. I meant to be a perfect mother by now, but I still haven't got that down. I need to work on some things. I wonder if I'm teaching my daughter the right things, the things she needs to know. Are we are too busy? I want my daughters to grow up to be an accomplished and confident young lady, but am I pushing her to do too much? Am I really listening to her? Does she have my full attention? Is she happy? Does she know how dearly she is loved?
Sometimes I have to think these things out in the night.
I think that I will go about my day now.. and continue pondering some of these things while I finish up some big projects today.. but I will leave you with this... I think it's beautiful.
"Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope. Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith; Nothing we do however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore, we must be saved by love."
Reinhold Niebuhr


  1. Beautiful thoughts as always Tif! Thanks for the counseling, I sent the email!

  2. I love your blog! Your pictures are so cheerful. The bunny boxes are supercute.

  3. I once heard a very wise psychologist say that the worst thing a parent can do is be a perfect parent. That is what helps me sleep at night. :)

  4. You always have great inspirational thoughts. I think we all run those questions thru our heads. I know I do. We just have to keep the faith and move forward and be alittle better everyday. I hope you get some sleep tonight. Thanks for the address too.

  5. Sleep never comes easily to me. I think that is one of the reasons why I don't mind having young kids that keep me up a lot during the night because at least there is an excuse as to why I am so sleep depriaved. I am always rethinking my parenting. LOVE LOVE LOVE always comes to mind.

  6. I liked this post. I totally relate to your middle-of-the-night questions to yourself. I keep asking myself if I'm the parent I want to be and if I'm creating the environment I want for my daughter. We can't be perfect, but we can certainly take time to be thoughtful and reflective about it all. Your words are always so wonderful and inspiring. Thank you!

  7. I hear ya! I don't know if we ever get to know the answer to "Am I a good enough parent?" But I think little c has it made with you as a mom. You're just the thing to nurture her creativity and spunk.

  8. Beautiful thoughts Tiffany. I am so away of things, I don't even know what is happening around the world. Sometimes I listen to the news and all I hear is about Baraka and Hillary.
    I usually sleep good, but when pms strikes I have horrible dreams and I can't stop moving on the bed and my husband won`t stand besides me. He will often move to the guest room.
    Sometimes I feel guilty about my children, selfish or not being enough for them. Sometimes I blame myself for so many things...sometimes I don't think I am a good mom...but we are not perfect and I often ask to myself who takes care of me? who cares about me? who will listen to my concerns and fears?
    It's hard sometimes...

  9. Hi Tiffany,
    Thanks goodness for faith ~ it certainly helps me in my parenting of 3 boys. I often have the same thoughts of perfection and wonder if my boys will grow up to be awesome men like their father. I have to have HOPE that they will grow up to be what they see and always know that they are LOVED.

    I haven't gotten up in the middle of the night and painted in years but maybe that is what I need to start doing when I wake up!

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Sandy :)

  10. I got meds for that...:) But I only have a doggie who snuggles with me so I can. I am a fan of chamomille tea (with other flavors not the plain kind) for some relaxing time before bed to help me sleep sorta like Peter Rabbit
