Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Love and Pink Bunnies...

There is a pink bunny in:
now... whew.. I'm still not finished with the baby bunnies.. but I'm getting close.. maybe tomorrow.
When you get to know me better.. you know that I love a little sarcasm.. Can't help it. I was raised in a family that all had secret dreams of a starring role on the McLaughlin Group
and being witty and funny with a bit of a bite.. has been a quality to be admired.
I am trying to get away from that a bit and not to be cutting.. but I still find stuff like this hilarious!
When asked, "Do you think all any of us really want, deep down, is to be loved?"
Garrison Keillor responded:
"No, we want to be rich, to be admired, to eat like a horse and be skinny as a snake. To have small children ask for our autographs, to be on terrific medications that make us calm and witty and sexy. To sing Irving Berlin and Gershwin and Porter at the Oak Room and be described in the Times as 'luminous.' But in the absence of all that, it's enough to be loved."
That nails it right? Who doesn't want to be luminous?


  1. I can just imagine Garrison Keillor saying that! It's so funny! And think how hard it is to be luminous in Minnesota, where it's winter 8 months out of the year! The pink bunnies are so cute, I'm wondering if Jennie would like one of those better. You have to decide for me, because I can't!

  2. Love that quote! Totally true! Every little bit!

  3. Oh tiffany, its a little too close to home isn't it!!:-) - but I love it!!!

  4. Ill take luminous over many other traits! Great quote!

  5. Love the quote. You sarcastic bunny.
    Send me your address to my email address. I have something I want to send you.

  6. I totally LOVE Garrison Keillor! I would SO love to be his best friend! His show on NPR is my very fav... and it makes me miss the midwest! But, he nailed it on the head... I want to be luminous too... but, sadly am not. So, I too will settle for just being loved. Cause, really, all we need is love. Right?
    Beautiful boxes. You are AMAZING!

  7. Sweet little boxes!You are welcome to visit me too..I guess I am the newbie around here.

  8. Terrific quote. Adorable bunnies.

  9. love the bunny boxes.
