Friday, March 28, 2008

Beans, Beans the musical fruit..

We love beans at our house. But, we don't love sore tummys or toots. Did you know that if you add 1 tsp. of mustard powder to these beans when you are heating them up (even in the microwave) that you'll have happy toot-free kiddos. It also works well in egg dishes.


  1. Oh come on! No one is going to comment here? This is big news people! Thanks Tif! And I received a beautiful package today! I love the postcards, I think they are really fabulous! Thanks for sharing them!

  2. This gave me a good laugh this morning...a toot free house huh!!lol..not for kids only!!lol. Laurie

  3. Why would you want to do anything to lessen the acoutic benfits of the bean
