Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Redneck Cookbook...

I was going to write this post and propose the idea of my one day composing a Redneck Cookbook, but what do you know ... it's been done!
The Redneck Cookbook: 165 Mighty Fine Fixin's and Other Things to Get Down Your Gullet..
has already been published. Oh well. You still get my recipe for tuna fish. I love a good tuna sandwich. I'm sorry these pictures look like the nasty food in Napolean Dynamite... I only had flouresant lighting in the kitchen by the dinner hour yesterday.. although we are happily gaining daylight every day.

So, I start with 2 cans of good albacore tuna, good mayo (I like Helleman's), two stalks of celery finely chopped, 1 stalk of green onion, very heaping tablespoons of sweet and dill relish.. or more, some tomatoe slices and a dash of pepper and sea salt.

What is your favorite ingredient? Or do you loathe tuna? Or do you love it on rye... yum!


  1. Our "Sunday meal" is tuna fish sandwiches. Our recipe is quite different: three cans of tuna (because there are six of us) light mayo (like you I like Hellmans), dill pickles finely chopped, and chedder cheese cut into small cubes. Salt and pepper (fresh ground) to taste. I make a ton of sandwiches, pile them on one plate in the center of the table. I make my kids eat at least three baby carrots along with it. We eat it on Grandma Sycamore's white bread.

  2. I am a pickle person too. Have to have them on top of the tuna which has been mixed with light mayo. This is one of those foods that if I think about it too much(pickles and fish?), it will gross me out. But that is how I grew up having it and it has stuck I guess. Funny, I was just thinking of having tuna for lunch!

  3. The most recent way I really enjoyed eating tuna-

    Tuna packed in olive oil, drained
    Balsamic vinaigrette, to taste
    Minced shallot
    Grated Parmesan, just a little bit

    Stuff in a pita pocket with baby spinach leaves. Delish!
