Tuesday, February 05, 2008

New Year's Resolutions...

I'm still working on them. I haven't given up yet. I like this salad mix, by the way, it's delish. It doesn't have that wierd flavor that bagged salad often has. I don't know what that is, whether it's the platic they package it in, or a soap they wash the salad in... don't know, but this tastes just delish! Have you ever noticed how serving sizes for salad and peas are really big (you have to eat half of this bag for one serving.. a serving of peas is 2/3 cup). And yet, a serving of ice cream is only half of a cup.. bummmer.
I wanted to loose a little weight for my sister's wedding. I want to have a family photo taken and I don't want to look like a marshmallow in the pictures.
I reported that I read this book called, "This Year I Will" about achieving your goals (I have about 5 things I'd really like to accomplish this year). One of the many helpful suggestions in the book is the make a daily plan of how to achieve these goals. Part of my daily plan is to eat 5 servings of fresh fruit/or veggies per day. I thought this would be easier than exercising everyday for sure. After all, I love fruits and veggies!
But, after I looked into it a bit more. The tomato slice on your turkey sandwich is a nice and colorful touch, but it doesn't really count. During this year to this point, I've only made it to 4. That was yesterday. 5 a day, everyday, is more difficult than 30 mins. of exercise for me anyway.
Today I'm going to eat a banana and an orange for breakfast and see if I can't make it to 5 easier like that. Does anyone remember the name of that book about those 2 sisters who lived to be 100? One was named Sadie I think... anyway, they ate 9 servings of fruit and veggies per day! I can't even imagine it!


  1. I KNOW! What gives?! Serving sizes for chocolate and ice cream are so...as mom would say, "chinsy." I need a big old salad myself. Everytime I eat a salad at mom's on Sunday it tastes so refreshing and healthful but I don't have that kind of stuff at my apartment. I am a grocery shopper of the lazy variety. I buy boxed foods. If you want killer produce any time of year go to Gordon Ave. in Layton and head West. On the left-hand side of the street, you'll see a little vender. They sell the best produce all year!!

  2. Can I join you? I have teamed up with one of my friends in Syracuse and we have been reporting to each other on Sundays. It really helps me to know I have to confess my cheating to someone at the end of the week. So I am going to adopt your 4 veggies or fruits a day. I think that may help me. I am really struggling with the 30 minutes too. Our school has running program for the kids three days a week but that is only about 20 minutes. I want larger sweet protions too!

  3. I love the line: "I don't want to look like a marshmallow in the pictures." I think I'm the one that will look like a marshmallow.

  4. actually you will be gorgeous!

  5. You're so right about serving sizes. It's not fair at all! And I struggle with getting enough fruits/veggies each day. I eat fruit with breakfast and lunch, but never enough veggies at dinner. And I really, really dislike salad. I guess that's a problem. Hang in there. You'll look fab for the wedding!

  6. LOL Tiffany don't come and do Weight Watchers or you'll be encouraged to have 5 serves of vegies and 3 serves of fruit per day. I'm really bad at all that stuff, and drinking 8 glasses of water....
    I've tagged you on my blog!!

  7. I'm right there with you on this one! It's also a lot more enjoyable to eat 1/2 cup of ice cream than it is 1/2 bag of lettuce. If only it were easier!!!

  8. Somedays I do great. Somedays, not so great. And I usually do much better with fruit than veggies. Fruit is very much a ready-to-eat sort of thing, whereas veggies frequently need some sort of preparation.

    Today I had an apple at breakfast, two clementines at lunch, and will have some grapes for snack in a bit. Tonight we're having a spinach salad for dinner.
