Wednesday, February 06, 2008

7 things I love & a visit from my Dinosaur...

Natasha has tagged me to list 7 things I love... I can't break all the many things I love down to 7 things, so I will tell you seven things I loved about yesterday.
1. shades of green & thinking of daffodils
2. the bright and sparkling day that always comes after a storm has blown through
3. the piles of snow that look like a million bazillion diamonds
4. a good story with a happy ending
5. hugs and kisses
6. making a new friend
7. a nice visit from our dinosaur friend

I tag (only if you want to)... Shelese, Amy, Allison, Liz and anyone else who wants to play! :)


  1. 7 Things I loved about yesterday: 1) pumpkin pie
    2) watching Biggest Loser
    (I know, 1 and 2 shouldn't really go together)
    3) sitting next to Brandon
    4) taking a shower with my olive scented shower gel from body shop
    5) my new hair dryer that cuts drying time in 1/2
    6) reading blogs
    7) research on Gaston Laroux and Washington Irving

  2. Great post Tiff. Love that little dinosaur.

  3. Thanks for the tag. I'll be working on my 7 things tonight! Fun, fun! Your craft room looks gorgeous. I love your decorations.

  4. Way to appreciate the little things, Tiff :)

  5. Maybe we should all think of 7 things we love about each day,it would be a good therapy ! It's so much easier to dwell on the negative things in ones day ? I loved reading your 7 things Tiffany, made me feel warm and cosy just reading them ! Take care, Ellie

  6. This was a fun exercise to do. Mine are posted. Thanks for tagging me!
