Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Bouquet For Mom...

This box will be in the Love Boxes Etsy Shop today...

This box is still in the shop and is my favorite one of the Mother's Day boxes... Inside it reads... Mother's love is peace... Erich Fromm...
The little house box that was in the shop sold this week, but this one, although a bit different than the other one, has the same quote, "your heart is my home..." and will be added today.
All of these will be included in a small shop update in the Love Boxes Etsy Shop today...


  1. These boxes and beautiful. I enjoy the quotations you include on the inside. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for your visit on my blogg, and i love yours! You are a very talented girl, i love all the boxes! You gave me some inspiration, that`s for shure, thanks! Enjoy your Sunday, i know i will. We are going to the local Flea-market tomorrow, and i can`t wait! Greetings from a Norwegian girl who lives in The Netherlands

  3. Thanks for coming by the blog I so appreciate it ..I am having a tutorial soon I love how everyoone has their act blog needs some sprucing up!!!Happy Days my friend Jennifer

  4. of course i love this little charmer!!!
