Monday, April 23, 2007

Trees I Covet...

Lord, the air smells good...
by Rumi
Lord, the air smells good today,
straight from the mysteries
within the inner courts of God.
A grace like new clothes thrown across the garden,
free medecine for everybody.
The trees in their prayer, the birds in praise,
the first blue violets kneeling.
Whatever came from Being is caught up in being,
drunkenlyforgetting the way back.


  1. especially love that pinkone. Great photography!

  2. A great photo to show children who have never experienced "Popcorn" Popping on an Apricot Tree!

  3. Blossoms on a tree have to be one of my favorite things in life! We're landscaping this year and a tree with gorgeous spring blossoms is a must.

  4. wow! beautiful pictures... thanks for visiting my blog, hope you come back to visit soon, love your blog!

  5. my absolute favorite is the weeping cherry or weeping plum, or whatever than one with the lavendar/pink blossoms and the cool droopy branches is called.

  6. Those are gorgeous. Where did you take those pictures? I was hoping my Dad would get some gorgeous photos like that of the cherry blossoms this year, but we missed their peak :( bummer huh? the blossoms had mostly fallen on the ground w/ all the rain we had been getting here.

  7. Sheesh, I just took these across the steet at several of my neighbor's homes. :) I hope to be taking pictures like these in my own yard in three years. Cross your fingers... :)

  8. mmmmmmmmmmm, I can almost can smell these blossoms! Beautiful!
