Friday, April 20, 2007

The Princess Academy... by Shannon Hale

... a report by little c.

Brilliant! I think if you click the pictures that you will be able to read the text. She worked a long time to get this put together for the due date this morning. Good job c!


  1. This is adorable! You can absolutely appreciate how much work went into this. Besides the gorgeous illustrations, the 4-part story, character development, sentence structure, even typing it all out! Wow! I was a schoolteacher in my former life, so I get how much work this is! Kudos to Little C!

  2. That is seriously so cute! I'm impressed. I don't think I could have done that well. And by the way, that's a really cute book. Her other ones are good too.

  3. Excellent! So much thought and hard work!An A+!!!!

  4. So wonderful. I love the creativity of children.

  5. Very Good! Mature thinking :)

  6. what a sweet little book. my six-year old was making a little princess book this afternoon as well. i just love the detail that these little girls put in. lovely.
