Thursday, March 05, 2009

Bill Bennett's American Patriot's Almanac...

My mom recommended this book to me and I love it! This is such a fun book for kids. It's an on this day in history sort of book. They can look up their birthday and see what happened in American History that day and hopefully then learn more about it. I love this kind of thing.. hooray for Mr. Bennett!


  1. Yes this is a great book. I got it for Christmas and I look at it and reflect most everyday with it. There is some great stuff in there!

  2. I've been meaning to pick this up. We have enjoyed the Children's Book of Virtues he did.

    Do you have any of the "Dangerous" books for kids? I'm attracted to their covers, but have yet to inspect them.

  3. Rebecca, c likes those books very much, but they have projects like how to build a zip line and make a hut out of sunflowers... it just makes me tired thinking of it all!... you see.. my daughter will expect me to actually do all that stuff! :)
