Wednesday, March 04, 2009

As you can see, I'm experimenting with bears lately...
This one is in ThE SHoP
this morning...


  1. very cute and a little masculine! your art keeps expanding.

  2. sorry this will be a long comment...I was just reading my twin sister's blog. She lives in D.C. area and mentioned that your blog is her favorite blog ever! I don't know how she found it, but she mentioned that it's by a Tiffany, who loves to paint really cute things, loves her sisters, lives in Utah and the first thing I thought was, could that be the Tiffany from our old U of U ward, so I clicked on the link and there you were! You may not remember me- Molly Larsen (we lived in the Olympic village, Doug was in med school) but just last week Anna- who was born in the ward was showing me a little something and it was a little painted heart tag that you did and put on a gift from you and Christine- how funny is that and here you are! I have 3 others now and Doug just barely finished residency- he's now a child neurologist! You look great and look like you're doing great! I'm just tickled about this. Can I ask a huge favor of you- could you send my email to Christine as I don't have her info at present and looking under the whitepages for stewart hasn't been effective- I'd love to get in touch with her- it's Oh, also, I live in St. Louis now and love it but miss my home of CA and the mountains and air of Utah. You've been busy! And thanks for touching Megan (my sis.) she's been struggling with some things, and it sounds like you've been able to bring joy to her even if it's in a small way! Love, Molly

  3. I remember you well Molly! I still have a photo of you and me & Jess in our Mexican dresses... remember that? I will pass on your info to Christine who will be thrilled to hear from you. :) Please tell Megan hello & best wishes from me.. love, Tiffany

  4. LOVE the stained look!!!

  5. LOVE the stained look!!!

  6. LOVE the stained look!!!
