Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chicks & Angels...

I just can't seem to take the Easter down. Easter colors are my colors. I just love them.

Horton Hears A Who...

We went to see this last night. It was really darling I thought. The the kids all loved it. I was impressed; I wasn't sure they could make a movie out of that little book, but they did. I've always loved this book too and so I was hoping it would succeed. What a great message it has. I hope the other really great Horton book will be a movie sometime.
Then we went to Noodles for our last Hoorah.. my brother and his darling Jenni and their 4 kids leave this afternoon for home. I'm afraid that all the kids are going to melt into a puddle of tears (especially my little c) when they wake up this morning. It's been a great week, they just adore each other. Cousins, COusins, COUSINS!! has been the rousing shout around here.
Here we are at mid-week. I hope you've been having a good one too!