Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Horton Hears A Who...

We went to see this last night. It was really darling I thought. The the kids all loved it. I was impressed; I wasn't sure they could make a movie out of that little book, but they did. I've always loved this book too and so I was hoping it would succeed. What a great message it has. I hope the other really great Horton book will be a movie sometime.
Then we went to Noodles for our last Hoorah.. my brother and his darling Jenni and their 4 kids leave this afternoon for home. I'm afraid that all the kids are going to melt into a puddle of tears (especially my little c) when they wake up this morning. It's been a great week, they just adore each other. Cousins, COusins, COUSINS!! has been the rousing shout around here.
Here we are at mid-week. I hope you've been having a good one too!


  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie, though I'm not sure I'll catch it in a theater. It will most likely wind up on Netflix, but it's good to know it's worth the wait! Sounds like you're having a terrific week.

  2. That was the movie I wanted to see last weekend, I got outvoted. Glad it was good. Glad you had fun with all the cousins. I hope mine will do the same this summer.

  3. I'm glad to read your review about it. My SIL is an animator, and she always wants to know if a particular animated feature is good or not. She's probably more interested in how it looks though, as opposed to the story line :)

  4. OH so sad for them to leave :( Saying good bye to cousins is the worst.

    It sounds like they got to stay a long time though and that you all had a blast!

  5. Thanks for the movie review. I have been wanting to see it!
    Oh... I am so sad for you to have everyone one leave. Why Why Why can't we all live in a little village and walk to each other's houses so the cousins can play all day???
    If that were the case, we may not appreciate each other enough!!!
    So happy you had this week together! I can't wait to see them this summer!!!!

  6. oh i do want to see this film, i read the book to my little guy before bed and he loves it!

  7. I took my 18mth old grandbaby (her first movie!) and she was fascinated the whole way through.
