Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chicks & Angels...

I just can't seem to take the Easter down. Easter colors are my colors. I just love them.


  1. I say keep the Easter decorations up as long as you'd like. The colors are so inspiring!

  2. Bonjour Tiffany! I will be letting you know about my trip in the coming days! Thanks for visiting often, I enjoy reading your comments! Your banner is BEAUUUUTIFUL! Love the arrangement, it is a piece of art by itself! Take care, LuLu

  3. Pretty, pretty pictures! They are just lovely. Keep it all up, it does look like you!

  4. Easter colors are my colors too :) I can always count on them to put a smile on my face

  5. Its spring colors! Not just for Easter time. I love it. Chicks and all. I wouldn't take them down either. Really creative works.

  6. These are so fun! They would make really nice favors at a little girl's birthday party.
