Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wrapping Up... My Favorite Part!

In my mind, the key to good wrapping is goop. More is more to a Christmas freak and so the more goopy goop you can slop on there the better. The only thing is I get a little boring because I purchase bulk paper from Xpedx and bulk ribbon from Costco so those items last through several Christmases. It does save quite a bit of money to do it this way, but I get paper envy walking through every craft store. I love pretty papers.


  1. Those packages are beautiful! Will you come wrap mine?

  2. your presents are so pretty! i simply adore a beautifully wrapped gift, i just don't have the patience to do it myself. luckily, my hubby is a pro.

  3. Nobody does like you do Tif!

  4. Wow, those certainly are gorgeous!

  5. I love all of them, but my goodness that snowflake one...wow! So beautiful!! You are the sugarplum fairy.

  6. You definitely have a gift in wrapping presents!

  7. Your presents are the prettiest I've ever seen! You inspire me. If they'd stop cancelling school around here I might get a present or two wrapped. But no way they'd look that good.
