Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Freaks...

We admit to being Christmas Freaks at our house. We love Christmas and almost everything about it. Last night we went to hear our neighbors play at a Christmas concert (they were amazing) and then drove around a few different neighborhoods to see all the twinkle lights. We'd had about a foot of snow during the day and so it was truly lovely.
You can pick out the other Christmas Freaks fairly easily looking at twinkle lights.
It's not always obvious on the outside though. Sometimes a person is a Christmas Freak on the inside and that's good too.

Little c sometimes gets an aversion to Halloween. She only likes the fun part, but grosses out on some of the more ghoulish aspects of that holiday. This year was one of those years and so the Christmas music started on Halloween Night. Yep. c was ready to put the tree up the next day. Sadly, we didn't get it finished until last Friday, but she did most of the decorating this year and I thought she did a great job!
To Simplify... is not something I believe in. It's more to go full speed at all the traditions and plans that make the season fun and skip what has become a burden. I used to always make homemade candy... then, that wasn't as fun anymore so I stopped, however it's starting to sound fun again so I might make a batch.

I love to fill the house with Christmas flowers, which isn't expensive if you go to the right place. We paid less than $50 for the 7 poinsettias I purchased this year. That is much less than a nice flower arrangement goes for these days. Grocery stores over-charge for Christmas flowers and the quality is usually not very good so go to a greenhouse to get them. Mine usually last until Valentine's Day.

I love to paint Christmas boxes and listen to Christmas books on tape. Right now I am listening to Shepherd's abiding by Jan Karon. Father Tim is restoring a Christmas angel with a broken wing. Lovely.

I didn't paint any snow guys this year. Next year maybe. I did have to slow down a bit this year, but come January. I will start making big plans for next year. Christmas freaks celebrate all year long.
I hope you are merrier and merrier everyday.


  1. Your decorations are lovely. I think it's sweet that c did most of it this year. How great! I love that you don't simplify. It's such a beautiful time of year and it's a gift to be here to celebrate it. Why downplay any of that? I'm also a Christmas freak. And this year, my 3 yr old is making it the best Christmas yet. If I don't get a chance to say it in the next 10 days...have a Merry Christmas!

  2. I love yout style! I agree...Christmas is no time to simplify! Are people crazy?!? Simplify in January, for heaven's sake!

  3. I love your Christmas freakiness! I hope to be counted as one too!

  4. Everything looks so beautiful and festive. I love all the bright colors.

  5. Yay little c! She did a fabulous job didn't she? What a great talent she has... just like her mother!

  6. I love it all! So Christmasey.

  7. You inspire all of us! I think it's only fair that you participate as much as possible in the "magic." I love your bright colors and the wonderful tips on decorating. Hope you feel merrier as the date draws closer...!
