Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mary Kaye Huntsman First Lady of Utah...

Yesterday C and I went to hear Mrs. Huntsman speak. She was so interesting and personable. She spoke about her concerns for children in the state and some of the things that she is trying to do to help them. She told about adopting her two cute daughters, one from China and one from India. Her talk was so inspiring. I was grateful that I was able to attend the event.
If you are interested, you can learn about Mary Kaye Huntsman's initiatives for children and other programs on her web page HERE.


  1. Smart, nice and that pretty too? Doesn't seem fair!

  2. I`m asking to all the Bloggers to support our dear FRIEND Mandy!
    Please do come over, and DO LEAVE A COMMENT!

    Debbie Moss

    Thanks so much for your SUPPORT!

  3. That is so great BOTH of you went. I would have loved it I'm sure.

  4. It's always amusing to me that I can be blogging all around the world visiting other blogs and then click on someone's favorites only to find myself back in Utah again. I only knew I was back in Utah when I saw Mary Kaye's face. She is an inspiration.
    You have a nice blog and your love boxes are great.
