Thursday, September 18, 2008

Baby Carriages...

It seems like I've been working on these baby carriages forever. I need them to turn out just right. The red one is a gift for my baby and so I wanted it to be perfect.
This one has been listed in THe SHoP

And I will be listing another later this afternoon. Lots of painting to do.. I hope you are having a great day.


  1. My favorites are the red and blue and the pink one.

  2. I would have to say you acheived perfection! And I love hearing you say"my baby"!

  3. eeekkk the baby carriage ones are adorable.
    love them, love them all.

  4. Those are so cute!

  5. gorgeous Tif! The red one is my favorite! But I love them all! You just can't beat red and blue, that's what we learned at an early on age in our family, eh? Along with the age old debate of "do you like pink or blue better"? haha.

  6. The new boxes are stunning. Of course, the red one is the most beautiful. I can tell just from the picture that it's for your baby. It's glowing! :) Really beautiful, all of them. Your artistry amazes me.

  7. so perfect for a new mother! love them!
