Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The BBQ..

The BBQ was so much fun! My friend Shauna put together these decorations by having us all bring our children's cowgirl/cowboy gear. Then she brought two backs of Hoody's roasted peanuts that we scattered and smashed a little.
Bandannas and sunflowers ...
.. and lots of good food, but by then the people were there, which is when I stopped taking pictures and went to the party myself.


  1. So very cute Tiffany. My dad would go nuts over a party like that. I might have to try to pull one of those off this summer.

  2. Love it, love it! I love to see what you do to magnify your calling. I feel sorry for whoever takes your place after you, because you have one heck of a magnifying glass!

  3. I LOVE that! It looks so fun! I wanna come to your parties!!
    You are so creative! Ditto what Circe says.

    I've got a giveaway on my blog... come see.

  4. I'm glad you partied too Tiffany. I love the decorations.

  5. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Fun!! I love those kind of BBQ's!! And, youa re right, that hat below is sublimmmme!! xo

  6. Totally missed the 1000 posts post - congratulations, lady!
