Thursday, June 12, 2008

27 Dresses...

I think there are a lot of us that can relate to the people pleasing character of Jane (the perfect name) in this film. I thought this was a cute romantic comedy with a few bits of surprisingly good writing here and there.


  1. I like it too, a fun chick flick!

  2. Loved this movie because of James Marsden but I am getting a little sick of Katherine Heigel.

  3. I loved Janices comment. It cracked me up..

  4. I was a little disappointed by this movie. I usually enjoy a light hearted chick flick, but it could be Heigel just distracted me. She'll always be "Izzy" to me. There was one line that made me laugh out loud though, the bride at the end: "Can I get a follow spot?!?!"

  5. Hey, what happened to good manners Thursday, it was here and then it was gone! And it was a reallly good post too Tif! I hope you didn't talk yourself out of posting it!

  6. I enjoyed this film too, good light hearted watching and he is a hottie! I love Katherine Heigl, she's adorable!

  7. I didn't watch her TV show.. so I didn't get sick of her. Is she in anything else that's fun.
