Friday, April 04, 2008

Two New Birdies in the SHoP...

I meant to make some bluebirds on a pink background.. but since c and I are trying to get through all the Harry Potter tapes together.. I had little owls on the brain. We googled photos of pygmy owls and had a great time trying to re-create them as we listened to those tapes last night. This is my attempt. c was sidetracked and didn't finish hers.. but if she does I'll show you.
Also.. a little help.. I really must have books to read or go simply nuts. Thanks to Miss Toothsome and to Circ I was able to order up a few from the library this morning, but those books will have to wait while someone else finishes reading them (please hurry someone else). Can you give me the names of some books that might be available on tape through the library that I might enjoy? I can only take so much NPR.. plus they are running their fund drive right now.. so you know how that is. Michelle.. I'm counting on you here. Anyone? Anyone? :)
The above boxes have already been listed in:


  1. Circ.. I have The Glass Castle on hold.. I will for sure read it. Any others?

  2. Love the owl! There is so much owl love in blogland he is going to fly out of the shop! Now books! I have reccomended to you many times before so if I repeat myself forgive me. I had my library hold Marley and me for wm on disc after I started it. I think you would like it even if it is about an dog. So here is my big list. Empire Falls by Richard Russo. Has mention of some adultery but it has realistic consiquences. Paul Newman made it into a great film too. If you are in the mood for "light trash" as my mom calls it I always like Rosamud Pilcher and Lorna Landvik. Christy by Catherine Marshall: story of a young girl who goes to teach school in the apalachian mountains, they based that tv show on it. You know I always like kids books and if you are looking for a new series Lemony Snicket really is fun if you haven't tried that one. Brittany and I both loved The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale and she has another Goose Girl I haven't finished yet. I listened to some of Maya Angelous autobiographies on tape a long time ago and like them too. Hope that helps. I am starting a couple about Anne Boleyn after I finish Marley and Janice's Molakai. I will let you know! Oh and I watched the gathering storm yesterday. What is your favorite Winston Churchill book?

  3. Wow! That was a long post! Sorry!

  4. Silas Marner by George Eliot - Beautiful story and such a classic! It's much easier to pay attention while listening to keep track of the characters and the "English" language.

    Has c ever read The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle? I read it for my Childrens' lit class, LOVED it, then read it to my 5th, 6th graders as a read-aloud, and they were mesmerized the entire time - sea voyage adventure! It's such an exciting story, and the main character is a 13-yr-old girl.

    Another good one (it's young adult also)is called A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park - Not only an inspiring story and a good moral lesson, but it's also a glimpse into another culture, which is always fun!

    Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. I loved this book so much (it's one of those that really spoke to me), I had my husband read it!

  5. I have no advice like Michelle, but I love the owl. I am sending out a hoot love.

  6. AHHHHH!!!! That OWL ONE IS SO CUTE!!! Save me one, Tif. That is the one I want. Those are so cute!!! Owls are perfect. I love that owl. Love, Boo

  7. Have you read Roots?

  8. I'm in love with the owl!! Books...I'm reading Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger, recommended by a blog friend. And our book club is about to read The Robe, historical fiction about Christ, I think. So if you read it before I do, let me know if it's good. Oh, I have The Covenant, which was excellent. It's set in modern-day Israel. Do you want to borrow it?

  9. Here are my top 3 recommendations for you: Abide with Me by Elizabeth Strout (stick with it 'til the end and it makes it all amazing!); The Colour by Rose Tremain; The Ginger Tree by Oswald Wynd. (Just saw Circe's post and agree that Peace like a River is FABULOUS!!!)

  10. Holy cow! I love that owl! It is beautiful!
    I am loving the owls right now!!

    I have to agree with Circe & Liz... I also read that book (Peace Like a River)awhile back... LOVED IT!! Also, Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwartz, Light on Snow & The Resistance by Anita Shreve, My Sisters Keeper, Plain Truth, 19 minutes all by Jodi Picoult, The Bean Trees (my all time favorite book) by Barbara Kingsolver (she also did the amazing Poison wood Bible) I also LOVED The Road by Cormac McCarthy--- just an absolute amazing writer! He made me feel hungry during that book. I read parts of the book that Michelle is talking about-- The Other Boelyn Girl (its a movie now) I actually hated that book. I just couldn't get past the fact that this little girl was the same age as my daughter-- and the dude was like 30! YUCK!
    There is also The Memory Keepers Daughter, Thirteenth Tale (I really liked that one)...Widow of the South, East of the Mountains (i liked this one, just cause it was based in my mission), The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants-- cute. There is a little hanky-panky.. but its a cute series... suposedly its meant for pre-teens/teens. However, I wont let my teen read it. FYI.
    Also, there are those 3 books by Stephanie Meyers--Twilight, Eclipse & New Moon. All the YW(and their Moms) in my ward are going ga-ga over these books. I did read #1&2--me? Not so much. I have issues with the books, however, they are quite the buzz in blogland, and amongst teens. I would love to talk to anyone else who have read these books... just to see what they think!

    YIKES! As you can see, I read a TON! Anytime you need a recommendation, let me know. I am always looking for a good book to read! Right now, i'm reading Vanishing Acts by Picoult. I really like her writing style... and she has written a ton of books. Make me happy to find an author you like thats written a ton!
    Happy reading!

  11. What lovely little boxes. You are quite talented!

    For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.

  12. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, so glad to know that there are so many creative people out there, so cool, happy week ahead :)

  13. Oh wonderful! I love your little birdies, they are adorable! and who would have thought a Harry Potter owl on the brain could result in that sweet little owl box?!

  14. These boxes are adorable. Admittedly, I never ever like owl-things, but this adorable. It looks so fluffy and sweet. And the bluebird is gorgeous. Your boxes are so much fun.

  15. My youngest son has just discovered Harry Potter - I absolutely love that little owl!!

    Have a great Monday Tiffany.

  16. I really like the owl. Grandma would really like the owl too. She used to have a bunch of owls around before she got excited about hedgehogs.

  17. Rach loves her little owl box - it came today. I love your cards from the wedding. They are beautimous.
