Saturday, April 05, 2008

Book Club...

Circe and Liz mentioned this book to me yesterday. And, by the way, thanks for all the great recommendations. My cue at the library is loaded up with great books on tape coming my way. I'm so thrilled.
Anywho, Peace Like A River is one of my favorite books. Leif Enger does a fantastic job of making his readers put themselves in some fairly complicated moral dilemmas. C and I both read this book. When I mentioned the recommendations to C.. we were immediately embroiled in a 2 hour discussion. This book is simply fascinating.
We began by discussing whether or not this book is a Western. I thought yes (my opinion was discounted based on the fact that I've read all of 1.5 westerns in my life.. my argument that I've seen lots of Western films.. flopped in the sagebrush). C says that this book is more a foil of the traditional Western. And, he made some good arguments for that. I don't want to give the story away though.
Our discussion then moved from bullying, to criminal law, to gun laws, ethics, to moral reasoning, to what it takes to feel safe, to jury duty ... to I don't even know.. but my brain was going a hundred miles an hour and it was difficult to sleep.
So, I am going to re-read this one. I've ordered my copy from the library and should have it Monday. Would anyone like to join me for a blog book club on this book? Say, Yes! :)
The way I want to do it is.. I will post my review in 3 weeks. And, I will post some questions. If you read the book and want to write your own review.. I will link from my review to yours. If you don't want to write a full review.. you can just leave a comment on the post or you can answer one of the questions either on the post or, I will link to your blog and you can answer it there. How's that?
I will post my review 3 weeks from today. :)


  1. I'm in! this is why I love blogging! So many good books! I haven't read this one. Ever since I have started blogging I don't think I have lacked for books! Love it!

  2. I want to play too! I will even re-read this book! Yeah! So fun to have friends to chat books with!

  3. YES!! I will bring you my book when I finish it, which will probably be Sunday. I read 130 pages last night, and I loved it. I can't wait to see your revies. Should I write one too, or wait to comment on yours?

  4. Also, I just found my copy of The Glass Castle. Would you like to borrow it?

  5. Love it..can't wait to read your review!

    kari & kijsa

  6. If I can find a copy of the book I'll join in. One of the things I love about your blog Tiffany is your reviews.

  7. Tiffany, Circe told me about your blog blook club. I'll try and get it read in time. I think it is a fab idea.

  8. I should but I can't. I have a reading schedule on some other things right now. But it sounds really good and really a fun book. My dad would probably love this one for sure. Have a Happy Day.

  9. Oh, and check your mail this week. Just a little something.

  10. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I loved that book. I'm not sure if it is a western, either. It definitely wasn't my usual choice of books but I loved the way this was written...layered. And it was really funny! Yes, I'd love to join your review...only I'm too lazy to do the whole review...but I'd love reading yours and joining in.

  11. Tiffany - I cant promise to read it but I will read the review you post -- PS try Heavenly Man too its sposed to be excellent
